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review 2018-08-22 10:48
Auster mit Rasierklingen
No Dominion - Charlie Huston

Charlie Huston, Autor der „Joe Pitt“-Romane, wusste früh, dass er seinen vampyrischen Detektiv nicht auf ewig begleiten würde. Obwohl er mit dem Gedanken spielte, die Reihe ohne festgelegten Abschluss zu konzipieren, langweilte ihn die Idee bereits, bevor er mit dem Schreiben begonnen hatte. Nach dem zweiten Band „No Dominion“ beschloss er, dass „Joe Pitt“ überschaubare fünf Bände umfassen sollte. Dadurch musste er harte Entscheidungen für seinen Protagonisten treffen, intensivierte aber auch seine Schreiberfahrung. Mich motiviert die Aussicht auf einen Abschluss, die Reihe konsequenter als bisher zu verfolgen.


Eigentlich möchte Joe Pitt nur in Ruhe gelassen werden. Leider ist er als unabhängiger Vampyr in Manhattan gezwungen, Aufträge der konkurrierenden Clans anzunehmen, um seinen Geldbeutel und Blutvorrat aufzustocken. Seit dieser schmutzigen Geschichte mit der Kleinen erlebt Joe allerdings eine Durststrecke. Ihm gehen die Ideen aus, also wendet er sich an seinen alten Freund Terry, Anführer der Society. Terry bietet ihm einen dubiosen Job an. Es kursiert eine neue Droge. Dass es überhaupt einen Stoff gibt, der nicht sofort vom Vyrus aus dem System gespült wird, ist überraschend genug, doch dieses Zeug hat es in sich. Falsch dosiert verwandelt es Vampyre in rasende Berserker. Joe soll herausfinden, wer die Droge herstellt. Bemüht, schnell Antworten zu finden, stößt er bald auf eine Spur. Diese führt tief in die Hood, in das Territorium von DJ Grave Digga. Sieht so aus, als wäre diese Sache deutlich größer, als er angenommen hatte. Aber Joe wäre nicht Joe, würde ihn das davon abhalten, einigen Leuten kräftig auf die Füße zu treten…


Joe Pitt ist eine der krassesten Romanfiguren, die ich kenne. Obwohl es über vier Jahre her ist, dass ich den ersten Band „Stadt aus Blut“ (damals noch auf Deutsch) gelesen habe, rangiert er noch immer unter den Top 10. Man muss kein Genie sein, um zu begreifen, dass sich Joe als Antiheld qualifiziert, meiner Ansicht nach ist er jedoch ein ungewöhnlich extremes Exemplar. Charlie Huston versucht gar nicht erst, ihn als Sympathieträger zu verkaufen. Er poträtiert ihn als durchschnittlichen Typen, der von seinem gewalttätigen Umfeld geprägt ist und Konflikte diesem entsprechend löst. Mein Verhältnis zu Joe ist schwierig. Zwar habe ich eine Schwäche für ihn, weil er in meinen Augen der Inbegriff eines verlorenen Jungen ist, den ich gern retten würde, aber er ist auch schroff, destruktiv, abweisend und gibt trotz seiner Rolle als Ich-Erzähler wenig von sich preis. Er ist verschlossen wie eine Auster und mit Rasierklingen gespickt. Ich kam kaum an ihn heran. Er verströmt eine greifbare, einschüchternde Aura der Gewaltbereitschaft, die sich in einigen sehr brutalen Szenen in „No Dominion“ Bahn bricht und die die gesamte Handlung begleitet. Das Gewaltpotential der Geschichte brodelt permanent knapp unter der Oberfläche, was allerdings nicht ausschließlich Joe geschuldet ist. Die angespannte Situation der Clans dominiert das Buch. Im zweiten Band verdeutlicht Charlie Huston, wie sensibel das Patt zwischen ihnen ist; bereits eine Kleinigkeit reicht aus, um das prekäre Gleichgewicht zu stören. Das Auftauchen einer neuen Droge ist nun wahrlich keine Lappalie. Die Droge dient Charlie Huston als Gelegenheit, die Wirkungsweise des Vyrus näher zu beleuchten. Es handelt sich dabei um eine bemerkenswert ausgefuchste parasitäre Lebensform mit sehr spezifischem Verhalten. Es gefiel mir, dass Huston sich nicht auf der etablierten Faktenlage ausruht und seinen wissenschaftlich-pragmatischen Ansatz des Vampyrismus in „No Dominion“ weiterentwickelt, weshalb ich mich gezwungen sah, meine Genre-Zuordnung zu überdenken und die Reihe als Science-Fiction einzustufen. Auf der Suche nach den Verantwortlichen gerät Joe zwischen die Fronten der Clans, wird manipuliert, getäuscht, belogen und muss einsehen, dass er ihrem Netz nicht entkommen kann. Egal, wie sehr er sich anstrengt, als Vampyr in Manhattan kann er nicht unabhängig existieren. Die Clans lassen das nicht zu. Seine Nachforschungen führen ihn erneut in das Revier der Enklave, deren Anführer Daniel ein gesondertes Interesse an Joe hat. Es ist offensichtlich, dass sie eine spezielle Beziehung und eine gemeinsame Vergangenheit haben, aber natürlich offenbart Joe keine Details. Ich verstehe nicht, was zwischen ihnen läuft. Daniel glaubt, es sei Joes Bestimmung, als Teil der Enklave zu leben, zu fasten, das Vyrus nahezu auszuhungern und dadurch eine neue Bewusstseinsebene zu erreichen. Ich finde Daniels spirituelle Herangehensweise an das Vyrus faszinierend, weil sie Hustons rationalem Ansatz einen Hauch übernatürlicher Mystik verleiht. Ist das Vyrus vielleicht doch mehr als ein Parasit? Ist es ein Weg zur Erleuchtung?


„No Dominion“ ist kein typischer Vampirroman. Wer auf melancholische Romantik mit spitzen Zähnen, alabasterfarbener Haut und diesem unwiderstehlichen Kitzel der Gefahr hofft: Finger weg von diesem Buch. In der „Joe Pitt“-Reihe spielt Vampyrismus lediglich eine untergeordnete Rolle. Primär handelt sie von blutigen, hässlichen Gangrivalitäten, die das Leben des Protagonisten ungewollt verkomplizieren. Joe definiert sich nicht über seine Existenz als Vampyr. Dieser Typ, der er jetzt ist – der war er schon, bevor er sich infizierte. Durch das Vyrus wurden lediglich die Karten neu gemischt.
Ich mochte die kompromisslose Härte in „No Dominion“ und das komplexe Verhältnis der Clans, das jeder Zeit eskalieren könnte. Meiner Meinung nach muss sich Charlie Huston in den Folgebänden allerdings vorsehen, dass er seinen Protagonisten nicht allzu unnahbar präsentiert. Ich hatte während der Lektüre oft das Gefühl, dass Joe meine Anwesenheit nur widerwillig akzeptierte und deshalb kaum Persönliches preisgab. Diese Ablehnung darf nicht zu weit führen. Von mir aus kann Joe ein gewalttätiger Mistkerl bleiben – aber er darf Hustons Leser_innen nicht ausschließen.

Source: wortmagieblog.wordpress.com/2018/08/22/charlie-huston-no-dominion
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review 2017-02-09 01:24
Vampyr - Carolina Andujar

Carolina Andújar me impresiona con su talento, su creatividad, su inteligencia y sus conocimientos de causa.


Para crear su vampiresa principal, inicialmente Carolina Andújar retoma el modo de que Bram Stoker creó su Drácula a partir de la figura histórica de Vlad "Drăculea" Țepeș; pero ella no imita Stoker: desarrolla la identificación de la vampiresa Susana Strossner a partir de la Erzsébet Báthory histórica, revelándonos poco a poco que la vampiresa es la propria Báthory pues-muerte. Lo cuanto la identificación de la vampiresa es previsible, depende de los conocimientos históricos, geográficos y vampíricos de cada lector/a.


Y para la primera parte del libro, algo me dice que la autora ha sido victimada por una estadía en un internado suizo. Yo mismo sufrí tres internados suizos durante mi adolescencia, y reconocí los constantes castigos, la represión, la intolerancia con alumnos que se recusan a ser mediocres, y la estupidez de los instructores... jajajajajajajaja


Aún, me gustan autores que como, entre otros, André Vianco, Kizzy Ysatis y Nazarethe Fonseca en Brasil, nos muestran - para no perder mi antigua broma - vampiros reales, auténticos, nos muestran los vampiros como son. En ese contexto, los autores de esas series de la actualidad, tipo Stephanie Meyer etc., describen falsos "vampiros" de un modo que la ley americana llama de "misleading information" y la brasileña de "informação enganosa"...


Resumiendo: ¡con Carolina juntos me arriesgo a detonar algunos de eses dentudos sin vergüenza!

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review 2016-11-24 01:52
The Sultan , The Vampyr and the Soothsayer
The Sultan, the Vampyr and the Soothsayer - Lucille Turner

The year 1442, the land of Wallachia is situated in an advantageous place for the upcoming capture of Constantinople by the Ottamans.  Wallachia is ruled by Dracul and might seem like an impenetrable stronghold.  Dracul believes himself and his middle son, Vlad to be cursed by the malady of the stirigoi causing them to have periods of sickness and then increased strength along with restless nights.  Upon visiting the court of Murad II, the Ottaman Sultan, Dracul is forced to leave his Vlad and his youngest son, Radu as hostages under the watchful and vehement, vengeful eye of Murad's son, Mehmet.  While under Mehmet's roof, Vlad becomes stronger in janissary training, but his affliction becomes more apparent; to some this makes Vlad appear weaker, however to others this makes him more powerful and to be feared.  While Mehmet dreams of conquering Constantiople to Vienna, his dreams are seen differently by his father's soothsayer and one man stands in Mehmet's way. 

Everyone knows the story surrounding Vlad Dracula, however the real history of how he came to be so revered and feared at the same time is just as interesting.  I had no idea of Wallachia or his childhood going into the story, so this part of the history was very interesting to me as Vlad really was kept as a vassal of the Ottoman empire.  The characters of Dracul, Vlad and Radu can be seen as very real characters going through very difficult circumstances.  Of course, Vlad was brought to life the most for me as well as his adversary, Mehmet. Through these two men, the internal and external struggles of good vs. evil are highlighted throughout the story.  The myth of the strigoi combined with the tale of Zalmoxis was very intriguing to me and I loved how it intertwined through the story from a fear that the farmers of Wallachia seem to have, to a possible medical condition carried through the Dracul line, or a curse placed upon the family; the reality of the condition is kept in the dark, but places the possibility of the supernatural just enough to keep you wondering.  Overall, a wonderful story combining historical fiction of the conquest of Istabul and the rise of Count Dracula.

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review 2015-06-18 15:46
Operation Vampyr by David Bishop
Fiends of the Eastern Front #1: Operation Vampyr - David Bishop


This book goes back to the basics of vampire lore.  I don't know if this is a series or not but but I kind of hope so.  I did have some issues with it.  The characters are very likable and I found myself worried about them and hoping they didn't bite it.  


If you want more information on it check out on goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/674004.Fiends_of_the_Eastern_Front?from_search=true&search_version=service_impr




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text 2014-12-10 15:31
Regency Romance: Paranormal Style
Venice Vampyr: The First 2 Novellas - Tina Folsom
My Lord Vampire - Alexandra Ivy,Debbie Raleigh
To Catch a Fox (Wilder Wood) - Raven McAllan
The Mists of Midnight - Michelle M. Pillow
Merely Magic - Patricia Rice
Enchanting the Lady - Kathryne Kennedy
Lydia Dare Wolf Bundle - Lydia Dare
Bite Me, Your Grace - Brooklyn Ann
Demon's Curse - Alexa Egan
Earl of Darkness (Heirs of Kilronan) - Alix Rickloff

I don't read that many Historical Paranormal. My favorite Paranormal Romances always have know worlds. No one is has to be introduced to the Others and come out of shock. I think many members of the Historical Paranormal world would need to be revived so I tend to stay away from this sub genre. However, there are many wonderful books to be found here and I have managed to find them!


My list are never in any particular order. Enjoy Regency Romance: Paranormal Style!


1. Earl of Darkness by Alix Rickloff



The magic she tries to hide . . . 

Born a lady, but reduced to surviving in the slums of Dublin, Catriona O’Connell has been hired to steal a mysterious book from Aidan Douglas, Earl of Kilronan. But Cat is secretly Other, an age-old mixture of Feyand human—something Aidan recognizes immediately when he surprises the lovely young burglar in his library, about to steal a magical diary.

 . . . is the magic he desperately wants.

From the moment Aidan sees her, Cat’s spirited beauty enchants him, but her uncanny abilities are what he truly needs, for Cat can understand the mystical language in the diary he inherited from his murdered father. So Aidan makes an offer: translate the book or be thrown in prison as a thief. And as Cat slowly deciphers each page, she and Aidan are drawn together by passion . . . and into the violence of the Otherworld that is the Kilronan legacy. Can they defeat those who seek the book, or are their lives in even greater danger than their hearts?


2. Demon's Curse by Alexa Egan



She holds the key . . .

One of the mythical race of shape-shifting Imnada and a member of an elite military unit, Captain Mac Flannery suffers under a ruthless curse. As the result of a savage massacre on the eve of Waterloo, he and the men he served with are forced to live the hours of darkness trapped as their animal aspects. Now one of them has been murdered, and Mac suspects the existence of the Imnada may finally have been discovered. His only link to unearthing the truth—Bianca Parrino, the beautiful actress whom every man desires.

. . . to his forbidden desires

Forging a new life for herself after escaping the clutches of her abusive husband, Bianca is again drawn into violence when a dear friend is brutally murdered and she becomes a suspect. Forced to place her trust and her life in Mac’s hands as they flee a determined killer, Bianca cannot deny she is falling for the mysterious soldier. But will his dark secrets tear them asunder? Or will love be the key to breaking even the cruelest of spells?


3. Bite Me, Your Grace by Brooklyn Ann 


London's Lord Vampire Has Problems

Dr. John Polidori's tale "The Vampyre" burst upon the Regency scene along with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein after that notorious weekend spent writing ghost stories with Lord Byron.

A vampire craze broke out instantly in the haut ton.

Now Ian Ashton, the Lord Vampire of London, has to attend tedious balls, linger in front of mirrors, and eat lots of garlic in an attempt to quell the gossip.

If that weren't annoying enough, his neighbor, Angelica Winthrop, has literary aspirations of her own and is sneaking into his house at night just to see what she can find.

Hungry, tired, and fed up, Ian is in no mood to humor his beautiful intruder...


4. Lydia Dare Wolf Bundle


A Certain Wolfish Charm

The rules of Society can be beastly—especially when you’re a werewolf and it’s that irritating time of the month. Simon Westfield, the Duke of Blackmoor, is rich, powerful, and sinfully handsome, and has spent his entire life creating scandal and mayhem. It doesn’t help his wolfish temper at all that Miss Lily Rutledge seems not the least bit afraid of him, and in fact, may be as untamable as he is…

When Lily’s beloved nephew’s behavior becomes inexplicably wild, she turns to Simon, the boy’s cousin and guardian, for help. But Simon’s idea of assistance is far different than hers, and Lily finds herself ensconced in his house and engaged to the rogue.

They both may have bitten off more than they can chew when each begins to discover the other’s darkest secrets…

Tall, Dark and Wolfish

Lord Benjamin Westfield is a powerful werewolf—until one full moon when he doesn’t change. His life now shattered, he rushes off to Scotland in search of the healer who can restore his inner beast, only to find she’s not at all what he expected…

Young, beautiful witch Elspeth Campbell will do anything to help anyone who calls upon her healing arts. Then Lord Benjamin shows up, and she suddenly discovers she may need him even more than he needs her…

The Wolf Next Door

Ever since their failed elopement years ago, Prisca Hawthorne has taunted, insulted, and in every way tried to push him away. If only her heart didn’t break every time Lord William Westfield left her…

Lord William throws himself into drinking, gambling, and debauchery and pretends not to care about Prisca at all. But when he returns to find a rival werewolf vying for her hand, he’ll stop at nothing to claim the woman who should have been his all along.

Can Prisca forgive the unforgivable, or are the moon-crossed lovers going to be forced into a battle of wills that could be fatal?


5. Enchanting the Lady by Kathryne Kennedy



His Magic Condems Him...

In a Victorian England with a rigid hierarchy of magic, lion shapeshifter Sir Terence Blackwell is at the bottom of the rung of society. Only Lady Felicity Seymour, who has no magic, no inheritance, and no prospects, may be willing to judge the man strictly on his own merits...


Until She Reveals His True Power...

When family pressures push Lady Felicity into a terrible fate, she has only Sir Terence to turn to. Together, the two outcasts become embroiled in the dark depths beneath society's facade. And what they discover about each other is the only thing that's real...


6. Merely Magic by Patricia Rice


Magic is her birthright...


The daughter of one of the strongest magical lineages, Ninian Malcom Siddons is a powerful witch. Determined to only use her magic for good, she lives a simple, solitary life as a healer in her village, where she meets Drogo.


A man of science doesn't believe in anything he can't see...


Lord Drogo Ives believes only logic and science can explain the wonders of the universe and doesn't believe the local folklore about Malcolm witches and Ives men, until he meets Ninian.


Despite the odds against them and their (many) differences, the bond between Drogo and Ninian grows stronger each moment they are together... until the chaos and danger surrounding them forces each to decide: their love... or their lives...



7. The Mists of Midnight by Michelle M. Pillow


Imogen Drake has always been willful, rarely doing what’s expected of her. When she refuses to obey her parents and marry an industrious Colonel, they decide to hire tutor to train her to be a proper lady wife.

Imogen assumes the handsome Dougal Weston is the man sent to instruct her from her rebellious ways. Her attraction to him is instant, but the confusing man seems set in keeping her in her place—even if she detects he feels something for her. With his arrival at Rothfield Park comes an abundance of unrested spirits. Suddenly, Imogen doesn’t know who is alive and who is dead. Why have they come now? And what are they trying frantically to tell her? Imogen must discover the truth about the eerie night mist that surrounds the manor before it comes to claim everyone she holds dear—including Mr. Weston.


8. To Catch a Fox by Raven McAllan



Eleanor may be a lady, but even she knows that there's more than one way to catch a fox...

When Eleanor was told the foxes had returned to Wilderwood, she wondered and hoped it wasn't just any old foxes. She'd spoken to no one of her week of passion with Alexander and Stanford Foxxe. The Foxxe brothers had warned her about their other lives, but Eleanor had been skeptical until that magical night where they had showed her their true selves. They shifted from human to animal; howled at the moon, and mated with her. Now six years later, the foxes were back. Had they come for her? If they had, would her changed circumstances alter all their plans? How would they cope with what she had become?


9. My Lord Vampire by Alexandra Ivy


the first of a mesmerizing trilogy, Alexandra Ivy, author of the Guardians of Eternity series, introduces the Immortal Rogues--three vampires duty-bound to protect their own kind even as they fall prey to mortal desires. . .


Centuries have passed since Gideon Ravel dwelled among humans. Now he must infiltrate the cream of London society to earn the trust of one woman. Simone, Lady Gilbert, possesses an amulet of unimaginable power, and no concept of the threat that surrounds her. The ton's gossip prepared him for her beauty and wit. But he is blindsided by her barely disguised sensuality and his growing need to possess her. . .


None of the idle aristocrats who vie for Simone's attentions know about her past. To them, she is the sophisticated, worldly widow known as the "Wicked Temptress." The truth would ruin her, and she has never been tempted to reveal it until now. Yet beneath Gideon's bold, black-eyed stare is a hunger that demands satisfaction and complete surrender. . .and a secret far more dangerous than her own. . .


10. Venice Vampyr by Tina Folsom Free!


Venice, early 1800s

Isabella Tenderini, a wealthy merchant's widow rescues a stranger from drowning in one of Venice's canals. And how does the man repay her selfless act? By kissing her - her, a respectable woman.

Not only is Raphael di Santori grateful for his life being saved, he would also like to thank his rescuer very intimately - more intimately than decorum allows. But then, Raphael has never been one to play by the rules - as a vampire he doesn't have to.



Vote for your favorite Regency Romance: Paranormal Style on Goodreads. 

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