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text 2021-07-20 11:01
Release Tour for Kiss of Life



Tara’s string of bad luck has her convinced nothing good will ever happen to her again. When a hurricane hits the island, she gets stranded with the town’s sexy, new judge. Maybe her luck isn’t so bad after all... Readers who love Kennedy Ryan and Nicole Snow will love KISS OF LIFE by Louise Lennox, a forced proximity, small town romance.




The Carolina Lowcountry is sexier, because the beautiful Kiawah Kisses rule the Sea Islands with strength, spice, and sass. This summer, each friend will reconnect with a Gullah hometown hero and learn to love again. This is Tara’s story…


When hurricane Maria hits Kiawah Island, newly divorced single mom Tara Kent braces to add another pearl, on her string of bad luck. Between an ex-husband who won’t go away, a mother acting like a child, and a stagnant career; she’s convinced nothing good will ever happen again.


But when she steps inside the courtroom of the Sea Islands’ new sexy dreadlocked motorcycle riding judge; she’s tempted to think things can change. But will they?

Judge Cameron Sinclair is new in town. When the beautiful but battered Tara sheds tears in his courtroom, he makes it his business to get her what she deserves. And when he’s stranded with her in the eye of a deadly storm, he realizes what she really deserves is love. But he isn’t the man to give it to her. Or is he?


Kiss of Life, book 2 in the Kiawah Kisses Series, is a steamy, small town, contemporary romance featuring a strong, smart heroine and the compassionate, sexy judge who redeems her heart. Download it today and get ready to fall in love with your next favorite book boyfriend.


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Goodreads https://bit.ly/3gl3FqG


Buy Now or Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited! 

Amazon https://amzn.to/3zuCVLJ




Copyright 2021 @Louise Lennox


When I pull up to Tara’s home, I’m both displeased and impressed. On one hand, It’s a big beautiful white farmhouse with a wraparound porch. It looks timeless and unique. Much like Tara herself. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn she picked this home for herself. But it’s very far off the road and isolated on about twenty acres of farmland. A single mother and her kids shouldn’t be out here all by themselves. And tonight, she’s solo. If she caught me checking on her, there’s no way I could play it cool like I was in the neighborhood.


There is no neighborhood.


By the time I gradually drive up her private gravel road, I’m soaked to the core. As I get closer, I can barely make out anything in front of me, but I see her slight frame sitting on the steps with her head in her hands. She’s sitting on a porch in the eye of an oncoming storm. My bike has a loud purr, but she doesn’t even look up.


Her environmental awareness is shit. We’ll have to work on that.


I turn off the engine and hit the kickstand. Taking my helmet off, I approach. She’s shuddering…crying.


Only when I call her name does she look up.


“Tara, what’s wrong?” I force myself to calm down; I can’t spook her.


When she looks at me and I’m not prepared for what I see. I expected shock and even some anger. I thought she might wonder how the hell I got to her home. I thought she’d accuse me of stalking her and order me away. Instead, she looks wrecked. Her eyes are weak from crying. Her beautiful skin is red, raw from her tears. And her lips are trembling. The entire scene is a knife straight to my heart.


“What happened,” I growl, losing tolerance for this entire scene.


She sniffles. “Jason… he… he…” That’s as far as she gets before her body crumbles into itself, tormented with fresh tears. I get out of the rain and join her on the porch. Sitting next to her, I pull her into my arms. She crawls into my lap and sobs on my chest for a good five minutes. I stroke her hair and soothe her with firm circles to her back, placing soft kisses in her wet hair.


“Shh Angel. It’s going to be alright. No one is going to hurt you. But you’ve got to tell me what happened. Did Jason hurt you? Can we go inside and talk about it?”


She lifts and looks at me with a defeated gaze. “


No. That’s just it. I can’t get inside. Jason had the locks changed while I was at work tonight. I can’t even get into my house!”


The tree branches are swaying, and the wind grows fierce. We have to get out of here soon.


“Angel, listen to me. You can tell me all the details later, and I promise I will help you get back into your house. But this storm is picking up and no locksmith will come by in this weather tonight. Is there anywhere I can take you? You need shelter. What about your mother’s? or Symone’s?”


She grabs on to my leather cut with a frantic look. “No! Please. It’s too embarrassing. My mother has enough to deal with, she doesn’t need to know I’m homeless too. At least not tonight. And I don’t want the kids to find out. Symone and Rhue have done so much for me already. I just can’t ask them for another thing.”


Her pride is admirable, but silly given the circumstances.


“Then come home with me.” I say it on impulse, but I’m certain it’s what I want.

“What?! No, I can’t impose. That wouldn’t be proper.”


I chuckle. “Angel, if we don’t get inside soon, this storm will scatter our proper bodies across the marsh. It is going to be a level two within the hour. I have a four-bedroom home on Kiawah. You will have your own room and bed, and you can take tonight to think through your options and rest. I promise you my intentions are honorable.”


She looks at me for a long moment with a partially opened mouth and I’m sure she’ll say no. But then she closes it to bite her bottom lip and my dick rouses to attention.


Down, boy.


I can’t touch her. She doesn’t need that right now. Finally, she purses her lips in a little determined grimace and nods yes. “Ok, Cameron. Thank you.”


I smile. “Great. But we can’t ride my bike in this weather. I was taking a chance driving it over here, but that’s a chance I was taking on myself alone. Can we take your truck?”

She stands and sticks out her hand to help me up. I laugh at the gesture. She’s sweet, but I have at least 100 pounds on her. Still, I take her hand.


“You can park your bike here. No one should bother with it.” She looks down at the floor of her porch and crosses her arms in front of her. “I’m so sorry Cameron, this is crazy. Are you sure it’s OK for me to impose on you like this? I can get a hotel room or something. I was so shocked, I kind of just fell and landed here.”


I pinch her chin and raise her eyes to mine.


“Tara, you are never an imposition. You are a privilege. How often does one get to host an angel?”


She finally smiles, and I pull her in close to whisper alongside the shell of her ear.

“I’m going to take excellent care of you, for as long as you allow it. Let’s Go.”


We turn toward the car and dash out into the storm, hand in hand.


Hopefully, by tomorrow all will be clear.

Buy Now!

Amazon https://amzn.to/3zuCVLJ



About Louise Lennox 

Contemporary romance Author Louise Lennox is a hopeful romantic writing steamy romances full of heart and healing.


A Spelman College and Georgetown University graduate, Louise provides women with diverse and meaningful representation in romance novel pages. Not seeing enough women like herself headlining positive love stories, she launched #HappyBlackRomance; a community of readers and writers committed to the creation and sharing of positive romance stories featuring Black heroines.


Louise Lennox plots highlight the joys of Black relationships across the diaspora; pushing readers from all cultural backgrounds to admire them for their strength and downright sexiness. In her novels sparks always fly; the sex amazes; and the characters always leave the world better than they found it through their love.


When she’s not writing, Louise is enjoying her work as a school leader, wife, and mother of the two cutest dragons to ever walk the earth!


To learn more about #HappyBlackRomance and to score a free book or two, check out her website www.lovelouiselennox.com.


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Bookbub → https://www.bookbub.com/books/savannah-s-salvation-by-louise-lennox

Amazon → https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B08DMY4JHK

Website → https://www.lovelouiselennox.com

Newsletter → https://www.lovelouiselennox.com/stayconnected

This promotional event is brought to you by The Indie Pen PR



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text 2021-07-13 08:10
Release Blitz - Kiss Of Life




Tara’s string of bad luck has her convinced nothing good will ever happen to her again. When a hurricane hits the island, she gets stranded with the town’s sexy, new judge. Maybe her luck isn’t so bad after all... Readers who love Kennedy Ryan and Nicole Snow will love KISS OF LIFE by Louise Lennox, a forced proximity, small town romance.





The Carolina Lowcountry is sexier, because the beautiful Kiawah Kisses rule the Sea Islands with strength, spice, and sass. This summer, each friend will reconnect with a Gullah hometown hero and learn to love again. This is Tara’s story…


When hurricane Maria hits Kiawah Island, newly divorced single mom Tara Kent braces to add another pearl, on her string of bad luck. Between an ex-husband who won’t go away, a mother acting like a child, and a stagnant career; she’s convinced nothing good will ever happen again.


But when she steps inside the courtroom of the Sea Islands’ new sexy dreadlocked motorcycle riding judge; she’s tempted to think things can change. But will they?


Judge Cameron Sinclair is new in town. When the beautiful but battered Tara sheds tears in his courtroom, he makes it his business to get her what she deserves. And when he’s stranded with her in the eye of a deadly storm, he realizes what she really deserves is love. But he isn’t the man to give it to her. Or is he?


Kiss of Life, book 2 in the Kiawah Kisses Series, is a steamy, small town, contemporary romance featuring a strong, smart heroine and the compassionate, sexy judge who redeems her heart. Download it today and get ready to fall in love with your next favorite book boyfriend.


Add to Goodreads Here


Goodreads → https://bit.ly/3gl3FqG


Buy Now or Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited! 


Amazon→ https://amzn.to/3zuCVLJ





Copyright 2021 @Louise Lennox


“All Rise! The honorable Judge Cameron Sinclair is presiding.”


I look up and every molecule in my body rises.




Mr., I have an important job, is my judge? This has to be bad juju. There’s no other way to explain the coincidence. 


I cursed this man all the way out and then ruined his clothes. Now he’s going to decide whether my children and I get what we deserve? This can’t be good.


Keisha gives me a sidelong glance, but my attention is fully on the man standing behind the bench. Lately, desire is a foreign feeling. Since Jason, I largely ignore my vagina and any pleasure it may bring. But this man carries an energy that makes me want to wake my girl out of hibernation and do all the things another woman won’t do.


But I won’t.


That’s partly why I snapped on him in the coffee shop. The man is seriously fuckable. He is easily over six feet tall and the color of a cinnamon stick. His dreadlocks are pulled back into a fishtail, accented by a beard and goatee so perfect, the lines look painted on. He’s in his robes, but I can tell he is in incredible shape. His shoulders are broad, and his hands are huge-I see them from here. When he opens his mouth to speak, his deep timbre commands the room but calms my anxiety at the same time. I didn’t get those vibes at the coffee shop. There, his voice made me want to fight.


“I’ve reviewed the evidence presented in discovery, and I don’t know why we are here. Dr. Kent, since you have forgone council, I will be direct. You have the means to pay your child support but have refused to do so. However, in the spirit of fairness and the law this courtroom observes, I will allow you to speak and provide me with a reason I should grant this reduction in support.”


Jason stands and moves to the dais to speak. He’s representing himself today because he actually thinks he can-idiot. He didn’t know Keisha was in town. He looks back at his silly fiancée and winks at me before clearing his voice to speak.


I hate him. But God, how I used to love him. His very presence used to make me weak in the knees, and it poised me to do anything for a ray of his sunshine to fall my way. I thought the family we were building together was all I’d ever need in life. He was my first lover, the first man I ever called friend, and the person who made me feel needed the most. And I wanted to be needed. That all changed once he became Dr. Jason Kent.


“Your honor. This is not about my ability to pay. It is about the fairness of the judgement. Mrs. Kent has received a promotion to Vice Principal of her school. Her raise calls for a reduction in my contribution.”


This motherfucker.


The judge stares right through him before speaking.


“Do I look like a fool to you, Dr. Kent? Because I assure you, the only fool here is you.”


I snort under my breath and quickly cover my mouth. Jason holds on to the dais so tightly his knuckles bulge. He hates being talked down to. Hopefully, he knows better than to talk crazy to a judge.


“No, your honor, you are not a fool... and neither am I.”


Mr. Hot as fuck Judge crosses his arms and leans back a bit, looming over Jason. He’s making him wait. His extra theatrics are not lost upon me, and I smile to myself. The big dick energy is powerful with this one.


“Then don’t talk to me like one. We both know your ex-wife did not receive a promotion but is rather covering for her vice-principal during summer school. Her boost in pay is temporary. To be regarded as a bonus, not an increase in salary.”


Jason scoffs. “I don’t see why that matters, a raise is a raise and money is money. I am tired of Tara draining my household dry while she spends her money on whatever she wants.”


That’s it.


I won’t sit here and let him talk about me like I’m not here. Keisha tries to hold me down, but I snap to my feet and speak. “Objection your honor.”


Jason rolls his eyes, and Judge Sinclair looks into mine like he just realized who I am...and he’s pleased. I didn’t expect that. His eyes sparkle. What color are they...blue? How can a black man have such blue-green eyes? They are mesmerizing. I’m shaken out of my thoughts when his firm tone addresses me.


“Mrs. Kent, what exactly is the nature of your objection?”


Jason snickers. “Yeah, maybe you should leave the talking to your lawyer. Someone who knows what she is doing.”


“Fuck You!” The words fly from my mouth before my mind registers where we are.


Judge Sinclair bangs his gavel three times and points it at Jason. 


“You, sir, are on thin ice. One more outburst from you and I’ll hold you in contempt. Is that clear?”


Judge Sinclair cuts his eyes at me. A warning. Before turning back to Jason, expecting an answer.


Jason bites his tongue. “Yes, your honor.”


Judge Sexy... I mean Sinclair turns back to me. 


“Now Ms. Kent. You would like to address the court?”


I want to approach your bench.


Buy Now!


Amazon https://amzn.to/3zuCVLJ


About Louise Lennox 


Contemporary romance Author Louise Lennox is a hopeful romantic writing steamy romances full of heart and healing.


A Spelman College and Georgetown University graduate, Louise provides women with diverse and meaningful representation in romance novel pages. Not seeing enough women like herself headlining positive love stories, she launched #HappyBlackRomance; a community of readers and writers committed to the creation and sharing of positive romance stories featuring Black heroines.


Louise Lennox plots highlight the joys of Black relationships across the diaspora; pushing readers from all cultural backgrounds to admire them for their strength and downright sexiness. In her novels sparks always fly; the sex amazes; and the characters always leave the world better than they found it through their love.


When she’s not writing, Louise is enjoying her work as a school leader, wife, and mother of the two cutest dragons to ever walk the earth!


To learn more about #HappyBlackRomance and to score a free book or two, check out her website www.lovelouiselennox.com.



Facebook | Facebook Group | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Bookbub | Amazon | Website | Newsletter


Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/authorlouiselennox


Facebook Group → https://www.facebook.com/groups/303624204004824


Twitter → https://www.twitter.com/louiselennox4


Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/authorlouiselennox


Goodreads → https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20558059.Louise_Lennox


Bookbub → https://www.bookbub.com/books/savannah-s-salvation-by-louise-lennox


Amazon → https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B08DMY4JHK


Website → https://www.lovelouiselennox.com


Newsletter → https://www.lovelouiselennox.com/stayconnected


This promotional event is brought to you by The Indie Pen PR


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review 2020-09-27 04:57
Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy by Diana Palmer, Marina Adair, Kate Pearce
Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy - Kate Pearce,Marina Adair,Diana Palmer



Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy by Diana Palmer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Adair, Pearce and Palmer prove that love is more than a seasonal occurance. Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy plays the heart like a fiddle with stories that give emotions something to sing about. Palmer and Adair stir up trouble while finding their heart's desire.

Mistletoe Cowboy is a fascinating tale of unique characters, heartbreaking tragedies and new beginnings that come with a number of twists. (4 stars)

Blame it on the Mistletoe revisits old hurts and inspire new romance with captivating clarity. (4.5 stars)

Mistletoe Detour- Pearce takes a bump in the road and turns into an adventure of the heart. Ted and Veronica find a way to turn tears into smiles and pain into laughter. (5 stars)

View all my reviews


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text 2020-03-04 06:35
Beauty Tips: 55 Tips on Natural Skin Care, Attractiveness, Makeup, and Looking Younger for Women - Angell Kisses
  • Herpes Clear Utilizing the name understanding tip, you want to check the water substance of your product. You could buy an expanded that is generally water. Since water is natural, they're actually not lying for. Be that as it may, you're neglecting to get an incredible item. Buy items with real supportive fixings. You may get water at home.

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    CynergyTK a decent fixing where was removed of a fleece of sheep. It's a lot of keratin. Keratin Skin Care Review is a type of practical protein expected to recover collagen strands.


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review 2020-03-03 21:07
Kisses and Lies - T.L. Smith



Omg ! I really don't know where to start with this one as this book was one emotional roller coaster for us!The story was exciting and intense and riveting and the characters just captivated me especially Reap/Marcus he was one seriously dark and dangerous man and a whole lot of mind -ffed.
"The story left me reeling and my heart pounding!"

No matter how messed up Marcus was that man drew you right in and saying he was a bad boy was not nearly enough but, one word sinister comes to mind and whats more women are drawn to him just ask pretty girl.

Rochelle comes from a loving family completely opposite of Marcus but, she in a sea of pain at the moment and Marcus seems to be her salvation but, is anything but, she is drawn to him and perhaps she sees something in him that others don't but, we always crave the things we cannot have.I really loved Rochelle's character she was a whole lot of fun, sexy,funny,tells it like it is kind of girl,sassy and has no filter and with the men she is currently hanging with can get you dead.We loved Marcus's pet name for Rochelle the moment he saw her all broken and lost he started calling her pretty girl which was kind of sweet .

The push and pulled and distance did nothing to the chemistry that Rochelle and Marcus had as their chemistry was explosive and hotter than hell.Marcus was whacked in my book but, when he was with Rochelle he was still a douche but, he was also something else as he could be loving and caring and compassionate and Rochelle was changing him because he was addicted to her not only sexually but, on some small emotional level just by being who she was.Marcus's possessiveness was hotter then hell and their is no doubt if someone tried coming between them there would be dire consequences.

Blaze was another interesting character as he could be sexy and playful and could turn on a dime and be deadly as sin.What a contradiction this man was.Blaze was intriguing and we are going to love getting to know more about him as you could not help but be drawn to the man who could go out of his way to help a girl he barely knows and yet , could hate someone so fiercely.

Overall this dark romance was a gripping read for us and we loved it and we love how unusual it was so much so as Marcus owned and worked a crematorium "yet", he belonged to and MC as well and his brother was the Clubs President and somehow they where partners not your typical biker and it is really unclear what roll Reap is within the club but, with a MC and its members being thrown into the story in any capacity made the story all the more interesting and Snow he caught my interest. lol

" We loved it !"
If you love Dark Romance this is the perfect book to dive right into the book left me reeling and uneasy but, it had me engrossed into the pages to the bitter end .The more I read this author the more we love her....

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