I'm on holidays with a great sea view and a bad internet connection. With two kindles, two smartphones, a hubby and a kindle fire. (Not necessarily in the same order).
Briefly: I am not well-equipped for writing proper reviews. I planned to write here not more than 2-3 sentences for every read book, but the average rating for this book PISSED ME OFF upset me, it's why I decided to make an exception. THAT'S UNFAIR.
1) Secret Societies was a finalist of the LAMBDA LITERARY AWARD(2012) in the category GAY EROTICA. Does it make a click in your head? I spell it S-L-O-W-L-Y for those who haven't yet got it -
G-A-Y E-R-O-T-I-C-A.
2)There're three genres that sometimes difficult to distinguish- a classical M/M romance, gay erotica and PWP. If you are not sure-google.
3)I don't blame anyone for picking up a wrong book, sometimes it is the lack of reader's informations, a wrong genre classification or a misinterpreted or unclear blurb. In bad case all of these factors together. That's what happened to Secret Societies.
Once more: It is not a MM Romance!
4)Now I should say at least something nice things about the Lambda Award Nominee:
***A very solid writing.
***Historically accurate.
***A lot of plot! A lot of unexpected twists and turns.
***It reminds me of James Lear [b:Palace of Varieties|17462833|Palace of Varieties|James Lear|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1410779715s/17462833.jpg|2157315], only with not so many sex scenes. To tell truth, I expected more of graphical sex, but it is not though without.
***I would rather classify this novel as a historical adventure-gay-erotica with the setting in London, 1724. Homosexuality, named sodomy, was considered at that time as a serious crime that had been punished with a death penalty. As if not enough-a very powerful religious group which members name themselves The Society for the Reformation of Manners(Secret Society) made to its mission to haunt and to force the arrest, conviction, and execution of any man guilty of "crimes against nature."
***And it ends not really with a cliffhanger, but WITH A NEED FOR A SEQUEL. La-la! Lucky we! There's a sequel!
P.S. I hate to write reviews on a small screen with a tough-keyboard. But I have to do it!