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review 2019-05-02 03:45
Book Review for LOST KING by Sandy Alvarez & Crystal Daniels
Lost King - Sandy Alvarez,Crystal Daniels


Let's start off by saying that these are two of my favorite characters Quinn and Emerson of this series and were are loving this current tale with them in it.We are loving this series as well as it has so many amazing characters.

I loved the cat and mouse game that Quinn and Emerson had going on as it has been going on in several books now and we new when they finally decided to end it there first sexual encounter was going to be super hot and the author didn't disappoint us.My reaction "Holy Hotness!" Quinn even makes me crave him.Can you say yummy!

From the very beginning I new I was going to love this story and I did just that.Emerson is the perfect match for Quinn in and out of bed as she will never be tamed by him and will always be a challenge for him at every turn."This is what Quinn needs or he would be to cocky!" lol

I always pick a favorite character I loved the most in our current read and mine is going to be Quinn.I love Quinn because he is intense, sexy,possessive,protective,sexually potent,love-able,had a sense of humor,has a heart of gold,is giving but, most of all I loved the relationship he had with his Mother,Father and sister Kat.

I loved seeing the dominate side of Quinn come out in the bedroom scenes.Omg ! Emerson and Quinn's chemistry off the charts.The only thing that comes to mind is "Holy Friggin Fanning Myself!"Quinn's searing looks could melt even my panties off."Anytime Quinn!" lol I loved the heated scenes because it was the one place Emerson could truly be herself and just let all her worries and pressures from her parents be left at the door and just be the fun and loving Emerson we love so much.

Quinn quote-"I love how you're this prim and proper doctor on the outside, but on the inside, you’re a hellcat."

Quinn quote -"Oh, Doctor Pretty. I'm ready for my physical now." He sing songs as he struts into the kitchen wearing nothing but his birthday suit and my stethoscope around his neck.

I loved Emerson and how she proved her worth to the club as well as being old lady material not that that was ever in question but,we saw the feisty side and fierceness to her that we have never seen before and we loved this side of her personality.I loved seeing her protective side when it came to Quinn come out,"That cat has claws!" lol I loved the bond she had with her twin brother total opposites yet each others champions.

I have to give a shout out to Quinn parents as they were just so adorable together and they made my heart melt as the love between them was there for all those to see.

The story overall was one of my favorites to date in this series,I loved the drama,the storyline and that it was filled with a cast of amazing cast of characters for us to laugh with as well as well as cry with.I loved the surprises that arose but, most off all we loved the ending to this story as it ended with Quinn being Quinn the man we fell in love from the very beginning of this series.

Quinn favorite quote- "One day a woman would come along, and I would know she was the other half of my life. She would consume me, and I would move mountains to have her and give her the moon if that’s what she wanted."

Loved it! Love it! Loved it !
This story was another winner in my book that goes into the keeper pile to be read over and over again.

Recommended to all and this entire series.

Personal note:

One of the things that I loved most about this current story and the ones that have become before it is the fact that in each and every story it was way to make a connection with the characters we are reading about.I love when this happens because from the onset of the story you were going to fall even more deeply in love with the characters than you are already come to love.

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review 2019-05-02 01:41
Book Review for Finding Solace by Sandy Alvarez and Crystal Daniels
Finding Solace by Crystal Daniels and Sandy Alvarez - Sandy Alvarez,Crystal Daniels
Wow ! Another great read for me on this ongoing series.I have to say I loved it from cover to cover and read it right up until the story ended.The main characters were awesome and just as love-able.I love all the characters in this entire series but, I have to say Quinn is just a hoot!
Reid what to say he sexy, broody,love-able hot a hell, charming ,smart and has sensitive side when we wants be but, also hurting and lost in his own pain and suffering.
Mila was my favorite as she had a sense of humor, brave,kind, caring, has a big heart,determined proud and has a backbone and is feisty and I loved everything about her.
Mila is just what Reid needs for him to get back to his old shelf again.The sparks and chemistry between them were super hot in and out of bed.They were super sweet together.They were a challenge for each other just what each need to  overcome past hurts and personal demons.
I was a little bid in love with Reid even before he got his own story and I found him to be a little bit devilish and funny and made me smile more than once with his antics.If I wasn't a little bit in love beforehand  I was after Mila's daughter gave him a present she made in school and gave it to him and his reaction was priceless and so out of character for him. 
The aw......factor for sure !
The story had a great romance story that was super sweet and was heated and few twist turns and one very big surprise  you never saw coming that just added the wow factor to a really enjoyable story with a great cast of characters that were funny,love-able ,interesting and you felt the love they had for one other in this MC family that they have created together.
I love when you connect with the characters
that you read about and I was able to do that and it just made the story so much enjoyable as you new from the start that Reid and Mila were perfect for one another but needed to see how the journey began and ended.
So looking forward to reading more of this series.Each and every story I have read so far have been touching and heartfelt stories that I have loved from beginning to end each and every time.
5 stars form us


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review 2019-05-01 16:55
Are Changlings Real? Little Darlings by Melanie Golding @mk_golding
Little Darlings - Melanie Golding


I would like to thank the publisher, Crooked Lane Books, for the opportunity to read Little Darlings by Melanie Golding.


Soon to be a major motion picture.

Publisher:  Crooked Lane Books

Cover:  Melanie sun


Little Darlings

Amazon  /  Goodreads




I was immediately hooked by the introduction. I’m not only curious, I am horrified by what she is about to do. Now I need to know why


Lauren Tranter had just delivered twins and as she held Morgan, she wondered why she didn’t feel the overwhelming love she had heard so much about. She was filled with doubts, but don’t all new mothers feel that way?


DS Harper saw the 911 call. Even though it had been cleared, something niggled at the back of her mind. She couldn’t let it go. She went to the hospital to check on Lauren Tranter, even though she was ordered to let it go. Her spidey senses were tingling and she had learned to listen to them. She had no desire to move up in the system, so she would walk that fine line and buck the system when she felt she must.


Was Lauren seeing things, hallucinating? The filthy muddy fish smell still lingered in her hospital room. And the cut on her hand? Where did that come from? Did she do it to herself?


I am trying to figure out where we are heading. What is really going on? Melanie Golding does a great job of keeping the mystery hidden. The story moves at a steady pace and I keep getting more anxious with each chapter read. I love the mounting tension and anticipation.


Little Darlings is a riveting tale of psychological thrills and chills and it may leave you, like me, wondering…Is it all in her mind? Are the folk tales of changlings true? You decide.


This is Melanie Golding’s debut novel and I only see good books coming from her in the future. Keep on writing, Melanie, and I’ll keep on reading.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Little Darlings by Melanie Golding.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos 4 Stars




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Source: www.fundinmental.com/are-changlings-real-little-darlings-by-melanie-golding-mk_golding
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review 2019-03-30 20:43
Review ~ Awesome!
Kingsteel (The Dragonkin Trilogy Book 3) - Michael Meyerhofer


*Book source ~ ARC. My review is voluntary and honest.


Runn is in chaos with several kingdoms trying to claim dominion over the others. And in the midst of it all is an ordinary man thrown into an extraordinary situation and now in possession of a rare and powerful artifact, the sword known as Knightswrath. As rulers jockey for power, an ancient Dragonkin makes himself known for the first time in many centuries. He has hidden himself well and slowly built himself an army previously thought to be myth. He wants Runn for himself, but with others fighting for control there’s no guarantee he’ll win. Unless he can get his hands on Knightswrath. Everything will depend on Rowan Locke defeating Chorlga, but each time he uses the sword he loses more of himself. When the final battle is upon him, will he be enough to save all he holds dear?


The final installment of the Dragonkin Trilogy is full of action, battles, hardship and loss. But it’s also full of hope and the knowledge that when people come together they can do amazing things. The beginning of this tale picks up where Knightswrath left off. Before I go any further, this is not a standalone novel. Well, ok, maybe it could be? But seriously, don’t. Go back to book 1, Wytchfire and start from the beginning. This is epic fantasy people. You must start at the beginning to appreciate what comes after. And after is where this book shines. All the POVs are coming together, riding fast to the end. Omg, that end? I can’t say anything without giving away great stuff, so I’ll just say this: Read the whole trilogy! Also, could I please impale Crovis on a spike à la the Dhargothi? Pretty please?

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2018/05/kingsteel.html
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review 2019-03-21 14:00
Review: The Towering Sky
The Towering Sky - Katharine McGee

I received a copy from Netgalley.


I finished a trilogy!!!!


This will be a super short review because it’s going to very hard to avoid spoilers as this is the conclusion of an epic series.


A satisfying ending with all the questions and lose ends tied up.


We finally get the will-they-won’t-they answer to Rylin and Cole. Leda and Watt get a conclusion and start looking towards their futures. Watt has some pretty tough choices to make regarding his education and his super computer implant Nadia. Leda has some demons to deal with and amends to make for her crappy behaviour. The secrets between Avery and Atlas finally come full circle. Not, of course, without it’s drama. Calliope and her con artist mother have their work cut out for her when one Calliope’s former marks, who happens to be Cole’s older brother Brice turns up hot on her heels. But things take an unexpected turn. Avery makes a life changing decision.


Same epic world building and emotional drama as the first two. Glitz and glamor, romance and betrayal, questionable motives and morals abound. What’s not to love? As with the other two, it doesn’t take any great effort to enjoy this, it’s fun and easy to read and great ending.


Thank you to Netgalley and HarperCollins UK Children’s.

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