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text 2020-05-04 16:58
Reading progress update: I've read 312 out of 312 pages.
The Man Who Captured Washington: Major General Robert Ross and the War of 1812 - Christopher T. George,John McCavitt

This was a good book, though in my review for MiWSR I'm definitely going to take the authors to task for cramming the first 46 years of Ross's life into 39 pages, then spending the remaining 180 pages of text on the last five months of his life and his legacy. It's especially frustrating when the authors keep referencing Ross's lessons from campaigns that they just gloss over.

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review 2019-10-26 21:29
Captured in Surrender
Captured in Surrender - Liliana Hart

Naya and Lane met a year prior when Naya's brother came to town. She followed the brother to take him back with her so he could go to trial. Naya is an ex-cop turned bounty hunter. Lane is ex-military turned small town cop. Even though I hadn't read any of the previous books in this series, I didn't need to. There was enough here that I was able to jump right in. I liked both Naya and Lane, there's conversation (and hot sex) with the right amount of conflict.

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review 2019-06-13 22:53
Book Review for Save Grace by Rie Warren
Save Grace (Blood Legion MC #2) - Rie Warren



What a heart wrenching story this was!The story had you engrossed from the very first pages.The story was full of pain and one of acceptance but, one man fought for the both of them and for the women he loved to be free and failing was not an option.
Killian and Grace had one of the oddest courtship that I have read about but, it was cute in an endearing sort of way as Killian fought to gain Grace's trust in order get her our for the life she is currently living because poor Grace was traded and sold into sexual slavery yet again.
Grace we met in book one where she was forced to whore herself by a group of horrible people but, she also got caught up in the war between the MC and White Lair and just disappeared but, not forgotten but, yet again Grace has been thrown into yet again other sick game her master is now playing but, this time around she might not survive once its played out.
I loved Grace and Killian together as Killian wore his heart on his sleeve the entire time and they had amazing chemistry together . My heart bleed for Grace time and time again and not only for what she had survived so far but, for the pain that was coming her way yet again.
Killian and Grace had chemistry but, they also had a amazing friendship that developed into so much more.We loved that Killian courted Grace in the only way he could even if it was a bit unconventional but it was a bunch of firsts for Grace her first kiss,first date and first love and something that was freely given between a couple who genuinely cared for one another.
Overall all the story was full of suspense and had drama and villainous characters and one whooping big surprise that you never saw coming.The story was one big emotional roller coaster for both the reader and its characters.We enjoyed it.
We are enjoying this series and looking forward to our next read.
4 stars form us
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review 2019-05-19 20:46
Book Review for Mythic by Ambere Sabo A Silent Sons MC Series
Mythic (Silent Sons MC #5) - Ambere Sabo


Mythic and Snoopy
Wow ! I loved this current tale from cover to cover !This tale was action packed from beginning to end not only that it was a heart wrenching tale as well as one that definitely tugged on ones emotions.
Mythic character was one that was brave and strong and intelligent, one who was a survivor and one willing to give her life for another just because it was the right thing to do.
Snoopy has been a loner and the clubs hacker and security expert but, one look at Mythic and spending time with her he immediately new she was the one for him .
This tale was wrought with so much suspense a whole lot of betrayals,assassins,murder,family complications and a drug cartel family riddled with nothing but, complications.Did I say secrets ? Well there was a ton of them along with a ton of surprises.It was a engrossing and a gripping tale that kept us turning the pages the entire time.
I loved that fact that the MC family rallied with the enemy to take out a bigger enemy to help a women who they had all come to love.Mythic was a women worth saving and one that was special and one with a very huge earth shattering secret.Did I say the story was riddled with Villian's too ?
We loved the story as well as its character's they were all amazing even the sadistic ones.The story was also about making amens and making changes and also about forgiveness.I have to say the ending was explosive and surprising and one that had you wanting to dive right into the next book in the series just to see what will happen next.This is definitely one of my top favorite reads in this series its running neck and neck with Cessy.
Recommended read to all !
I also recommend the series it's really good and so enjoyable.


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review 2019-05-14 20:36
Book Review for Twisted with Chaos by Hayley Faiman
Twisted with Chaos (Cash Bar #5) - Hayley Faiman


 Let's start off by saying we are really loving this series and that Hayley is a favorite author for us and we love anything she writes and she never disappoints and we loved yet another tale she has written for us as the story had an amazing cast of characters for us to love and fall in love with all over again.

This was yet another emotional and heart felt read that was filled with tons of emotion and drama,a ton of regrets,challenges,surprises,self sacrifices and a whole lot of danger.

Roxie and Tanner have been struggling with their relationship for sometime and a lot of it has to do with her mental illness and feeling as though she is not good enough for Tanner but, that doesn't stop her from loving the man but, in her process to protected him she is destroying him while doing so.We loved that their relationship was challenged at every turn it just made the fight to fine their way back to each all the much harder and all the more complicated and all the more sweeter and we just loved that.

We loved this touching heart wrenching tale and we saw that love can help overcome more obstacles than you think and that it is possible if you just believe enough in the love you that have for one another it a love worth saving. Are you strong enough to whether the storms in order to keep it ? This couples journey road was a rocky one but, we were rooting for them from the onset of the story to see if they were going to be able to achieve their happily ever afters.

Another gripping tale that kept us engrossed and turning the pages to the very end.


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