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text 2020-06-02 17:24
Full immersion. Super Training Techniques for Quick Skills

The idea of classical teaching - when we listen to lectures, read textbooks and do exercises - is based on the transfer effect: it is assumed that what is learned in one context (in the audience) will be applied at the right time in another (in real life). Unfortunately, this almost never works.

To learn quickly and effectively, it is worthwhile to get knowledge in the same context in which we will apply it. There are 4 tricks in the book Super Teaching that will help you organize this.


Project Based Learning

Many super-workers (people who master knowledge and skills extremely quickly) choose projects rather than courses. The logic is simple: if you organize your training around the production grabmyessay review of something, then you are guaranteed to learn how to do this thing. If you just attend classes, you can spend a lot of time on notes and reading, but never reach the goal.


Immersion training

Diving is when you literally dive into the environment in which the skill is practiced. The simplest example is learning a language in the country where it is used. Staying among the speakers guarantees: you will communicate much more and more diverse than you would do in the audience, which means that you will learn the language faster.

Learning a foreign language is not the only area of ​​application of the immersion method. For example, novice programmers can join open source projects to try themselves in solving new coding problems. Think about how to immerse yourself in the area you are studying.

Flight Simulation Method

Projects and immersion are cool, but some skills cannot be developed in real conditions. Safe piloting or surgery cannot be safely practiced. In this case, try to simulate the most similar situation.

For example, a flight simulator is used to teach piloting. This is almost as effective as controlling a real airplane if you reproduce the same tasks that you have to solve in the air. The simulator does not have to be perfect: it does not matter whether the graphics and sound exactly match the flight. It is important that key skills are trained. Then the transfer will be easier.


Redundant approach

This method consists in maximizing the expansion and complexity of the task. For example, superman Tristan de Montebello mastered his oratory skills before speaking at the World Cup. At first he trained at oratory clubs, but felt that he was appreciated there too gently. Then he decided to perform in secondary schools.

Schoolchildren are merciless. If jokes are not funny and speech is boring, they openly express it. Tristan immediately read in faces: "Redo!" Such honest feedback allowed us to learn faster and more intensively.

Think about how you can learn “in abundance,” that is, to solve problems more complex than those that confront you in real life. However, do not overestimate yourself: a hostile environment can demotivate and undermine faith in one’s abilities. Choose a high but adequate level of requirements.

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review 2020-01-01 18:23
My last book of 2019
I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala - Elisabeth Burgos,Rigoberta Menchú,Ann Wright

Somewhat fitting that my last book of 2019 was about the exploitation of native people.  This was a difficult reading, even knowing that not all of the story was Rigoberta's personal story.   I could probably find similar stories of American colonists taking over native lands here and we're still doing it.


The book was a bit difficult to read due to the language.  Rigoberta does not have a standard education and her word choice and story telling can occasionally be repetitive and hard to follow.  It still added to my understanding of how native people's view the world very differently from western European capitalists.   It was also interesting having her explain how they merged Catholicism/Christianity in with their own beliefs.  Ending up rejecting the "accept suffering here because you're going to a better place" line of reasoning and replacing it with "God would want us to alleviate suffering here and now".  Then taking their own lessons from the bible, especially the underdog defending our territory lessons.   


Rigoberta is still alive and still fighting.

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url 2019-10-23 11:19
Watching movies or Reading Books - what is Better

Watching movies or Reading Books - what is Better?


Answer to the above question is very simple and easy. No one can deny that reading a book is better as compared to watching movies. Especially nowadays when movies are easily available on internet from site likes Tamilrockers, Movierulz ms and 9xmovies. But Reading books gives knowledge and factual data whereas movies are just for fun even though some movies contain information and knowledge but they are highly exaggerated from realty.


Start Reading Books from today.

Source: gyaniguruji.in/worldfree4u-hd-movies-2019
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video 2019-07-01 17:36
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review 2019-03-12 00:41
Book Review for Copper by Lilly Atlas
Copper (Hell's Handlers #4) by Lilly Atlas - Lilly Atlas
Title: Copper
Series: Hell’s Handlers MC
Author: Lilly Atlas
Genre: MC Romance

  • File Size: 2874 KB
  • Print Length: 301 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publication Date: February 5, 2019
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
  • Arc copy provided for honest review
  • 5 stars
Enormous, muscular, commanding, and hotter than sin, Copper is the only man Shell has ever wanted. Even as a young teen, when it was impossible and taboo to capture the attention of a grown man, she longed for him. For years, Shell clung to the dream of turning eighteen and finally being noticed by the Hell’s Handlers’ rough and gruff president. But the universe had other plans, and she was forced to make a horrible choice. A choice that altered the course of her life forever, sealing her fate and ensuring the dream of being Copper’s ol’ lady would never materialize. 
Sixteen years his junior. Daughter of his MC’s former president. Single mother whose deadbeat sperm donor doesn’t provide an ounce of support. Loved as a younger sister by every man in the club. The list of reasons goes on for Copper to stay away from Shell. Problem is, he’s been hot for her for years. Copper finally gets some relief when she moves out of Tennessee for a few years, but once she’s back, all those reasons to keep his distance grow weaker by the day.
Unable to fight against his own judgement any longer, Copper finally claims Shell for his own. But once again the universe steps in, revealing secrets with the power to destroy them both.
Shell will do anything for Copper, even tear out her own heart and confront the most agonizing parts of her past. But will she be too late to save her dream? Will she be too late to save Copper?


Let's start off by saying that Lilly Atlas is one of my top MC author's who is on my auto buy list and she is our go to author for really awesome MC reads. I loved each and every story I have read by her so far but, Copper just moved up to the top of my favorites list right along side Jigsaw.We loved it beginning to end and everything in between.
I was so looking forward to Copper's story and the author did not disappoint.Copper has been one of my favorite character's all along I just loved the big bruting man and I was waiting for him to get his head out of the sand a make the one women meant to be his all along and pursue his own happily ever after just like his brothers.
The aura that surrounds Copper definitely states "Danger Beware" and he also has no problem commanding a room and is well respected but, also he is a man who makes things happen and their is not a brother who wouldn't give their life to save his. I loved seeing a different side of Copper this time around a softer side a bit vulnerable , a man a bit lonely perhaps searching for love of a good women and a family and someone to be his Queen but, one thing stands in his way of getting all that and It is the women who he truly loves but, thinks he can never have.
Shell was one of my favorite character's as she was a loving and giving person, was independent,hard working, a wonderful mom,a great friend,determined and had a great sense of humor and a larger than life personality.
The story was full of a ton of drama ,had a great cast of character's and one mishap after another and a traitor in their mix.As the story unfolded we saw betrayals,jealousy,heart wrenching secrets coming to life that were best kept secret but, most of all we never saw the bombshell that was dropped coming our way!
"Omg ! I was reeling to the very end of the story and was still in shock once it was over!"
I loved the romance between Shell and Copper as she was perfect for him in every way .Shell loved him fiercely even from afar and made life changing sacrifices for him that impacted her life and that of her child but, most of all just showed us the lengths she was willing to go to protect what she always considered hers.
Shell broke my heart and brought tears to my eyes with all the burdens she carried for such a young women yet,she took it all in stride and soldiered on.
"She was an incredibly strong women!"
 " I was in awe of her!"
The chemistry between Shell and Copper was off the chart's.The sex scene's super hot and sexy as sin.Can you say Hot ! Hot Hot!
" I want a Copper of my own!" 
"Holy Hotness!"
We loved the story and all the surprises it wrought.So looking forward to the next story in this series...
A recommended read to all it was such a heart wrenching read and we loved it!
This authors stories kept getting better and better!
This one goes into to the keeper pile to be read time and time again!
If they caught her, there’d be hell to pay.
Michelle didn’t even want to imagine the level Copper’s anger would rise to if he discovered her trailing after him and his men in the dark woods behind the clubhouse well after midnight.
The fury would be epic.
She’d seen him toss out some rage before, but this would top it all.
She may be a fifteen-year-old kid, but she wasn’t an idiot. Sneaking out of her home, pedaling her bicycle across town to the clubhouse, and lurking in the shadows until the men emerged was not only dangerous, it was reckless, and probably pointless as well.
Dark as it was, she wouldn’t be able to see a damn thing when the guys arrived wherever they were headed.
Four sets of heavy booted feet tromped through the woods making no effort toward stealth, thankfully. Shell wasn’t exactly mouse-quiet herself, and the noise from the determined group drowned out her own leaf-crunching steps.
She shivered. January in the base of the Great Smoky Mountains was pretty freakin’ cold.
“Fuck, it’s dark out here. Wouldn’t be able to see my own damn dick. We almost done with this romantic stroll through the woods?” That was Maverick’s voice. Easy to distinguish because ninety percent of the things out of his mouth were laden with snark and sarcasm.
“We have a fucking flashlight, you big baby. Suck it up and keep walking.”
Clenching her teeth in a fruitless effort to stem the chattering, Shell stole on after the men she considered family. Loved them like family as well. More than the majority of her flesh and blood relatives if she was being honest.
They had to be headed to The Box. Thoughts of what that meant sent a different kind of shiver racing down her spine. Growing up in the MC, she’d heard countless rumors about The Box. How it was a giant underground torture chamber filled with Handlers’ enemies from years back. How the walls were coated with blood and faded screams echoed through the night. The Honeys loved to gossip and guess precisely what went on down there, and each tale was more grandiose than the last. Half of what the club girls said couldn’t be believed. It’s not as though the men actually shared any club business with the women who were little more than whores.
The truth was probably a watered-down version of the legends, but, regardless, The Box existed, and probably wasn’t a place anyone wanted to find themselves.
After another five minutes of wordless trekking through the woods, and the men suddenly came to a dead stop.
Stephanie darted behind the nearest thick-trunked tree and held as still as possible, not even daring to breathe. Too bad her heart was pounding so loud someone might hear it a mile away.
Had the guys noticed her? Did they suspect they had a stowaway? Could the hear the rattling of her bones? A combination of fear and chill.
“Bring him out,” Copper said.
Shell would recognize that voice anywhere. That Irish brogue belonged to the six-foot-five, tatted biker who starred in every teenage fantasy she’d ever had. His name was secretly scrawled again and again with hearts and lipstick kisses in a diary hidden deep under her bed. If anyone ever found it, she’d die on the spot, but so far, her secret was safe.
“You sure, brother? Wouldn’t it be easier to get it done in The Box?” Rusty asked.
Shell frowned. Younger by ten years, Rusty was Copper’s brother and a huge jerk. There was no other word to describe him. Okay, there were a few others, but despite their extreme sailor-enviable mouths, the guys got on her case every time she swore. Sick of them always nagging about ladies not cussing, she avoided it. Kinda like she avoided Rusty at all costs.
“I want him out here. I want him to feel the air, see the stars, realize everything he’s never going to have the chance to experience again. He needs to know what I’m taking away from him. I want him to feel one last flicker of hope that we’ll let him go, right before I slit his fucking throat.”
Shell imagined Copper stroking his beard, deep in thought as he plotted someone’s demise.
“You got it,” Zach said. There was some rustling, then silence that seemed to drag on for hours but was probably only minutes. Everything appeared darker, longer, more intense when outside in the hours following midnight.
Finally, footsteps sounded again, followed by a grunt and a thud. Shell swallowed, took a breath and peeked around her tree. Someone had lit a lantern, illuminating a small clearing in the woods. A man knelt on the ground, arms bound behind his back with Copper, Maverick, Zach, and Rusty circled around him.
Back to her, she didn’t have a view of Copper’s face, but she sure had a clear line of sight to the man on the ground.
Reaper, they called him. Because of the number of men he’d sent to their graves. Those were rumors Shell believed. She’d seen him in action. Her insides quivered at the memories, and she sucked in a silent, trembling breath.
This was why she’d followed the guys into the woods when she should have been home snoozing away in preparation for school in the morning.
This was the man who’d killed her father four years ago.
Earlier that afternoon, she’d been at the clubhouse helping one of the ol’ ladies prepare dinner. Tasked with letting the men know their meal was ready, she’d wandered toward Copper’s office only to hear Reaper’s name being tossed around in conjunction with plans to head to The Box in the night.
Her mind and body had both frozen until the noises from Copper’s office alerted her to the men mobilizing. Then, she’d scurried back to the door of the kitchen and pretended to emerge just as they did, thus not hearing a thing.
And now, here she was, about to witness the execution of the man who’d murdered her father. Most might find it sick. Most might wake with nightmares after watching someone die, but Shell had already been down that road. She’d been with her father that fated night, four years ago, when the madman known as Reaper shot him in cold blood at a gas station.
As long as she lived, Shell would never forget the horror of that night. It was late on a Saturday, and her father was driving Shell and her mother home from a family barbecue at the clubhouse. From the back row of their truck, she’d watched her dad walk out of the quiet gas station market, coffee in hand. Seconds later, Reaper appeared from the shadows, shot her father from three feet away, then disappeared as fast as he’d materialized. She’d had as clear a view of his face that night as she did right then.
It all happened so fast, it was over before her brain processed what her eyes had seen. But once it did, her heart broke clear in two, and she screamed so loud she couldn’t speak for days.
Now, finally, more than four years later, justice would be served, MC style.
“You’ve been a hard man to find,” Copper said as he stepped closer to his captive.
Reaper snorted. Whoever had taken him prisoner roughed him up quite a bit. One black eye, a split cheek, ripped shirt, wheezy breathing. Not near enough punishment in Shell’s eyes.
“Been easy to slip under the radar with you idiots looking for me,” Reaper slurred like his tongue was swollen.
Copper chuckled. “That may be, but we got your ass now. Been waiting on this moment for a long time.” As he spoke, he drew a wicked looking blade from a sheath on his belt.
Shell’s eyes widened, and she soundlessly covered her mouth to muffle a gasp. Maybe she hadn’t been as prepared as she’d thought to watch Copper take a life.
Yet she couldn’t tear her gaze away.
The rest of the men stood with spread legs, folded arms, and flat expressions as they watched Copper close the distance to Reaper. Pressing the blade against the man’s throat, he said. “This is for my President, his ol’ lady, and Shell. Shell most of all, because an eleven-year-old girl should never have to live with the image of her father being gunned down.”
Reaper laughed making Shell flinch. The sound was so maniacal it could have been a movie villain’s cackle. And the man dared to do it while Copper held a deadly knife to his throat.
“There’s so much you don’t know Prez,” he said as though mocking Copper.
“Details don’t matter. You killed my president, now you die.”
Reaper might be a psychotic killer, but he was freaking brave. Not once did he cower, beg for his life, or break eye-contact with Copper. Just as Copper’s arm muscles flexed with the telltale sign of impending movement, Reaper said, “Too bad I didn’t notice the girl watching me that night. Might have taken her with me. She’da made a good plaything.”
The growl that came from Copper sent chills skittering across all Shell’s nerve endings. He didn’t bother speaking, just drew the blade across Reaper’s throat in one fluid motion.
Blood immediately flowed from the slice followed by a horrendous gurgling sound. This time, Shell couldn’t catch the shocked gasp before it left her mouth. The moment it was out, she held her breath and prayed no one heard. Copper didn’t so much as twitch. Zach watched the life drain from Reaper. Mav bounced his leg as though impatient to get the process over with.
But Rusty, Rusty met her gaze with cold, sadistic stare. Shell swallowed the disgusting taste of bile that had risen.
As he glared at her, Rusty’s mouth curled into a smile that could only be described as evil.
The hairs on Shell’s arms stood straight on end. Something about that smile set her on edge because she’d swear it had nothing to do with Reaper’s death and everything to do with her.
Now that she’d been busted, she could only wait and see what fate in the form of a sadistic biker had in store for her.
Lilly Atlas is a contemporary romance author, proud Navy wife, and mother of two spunky girls. By day she works as a physical therapist for a hospital in Virginia. Lilly is an avid romance reader, and expects her Kindle to beg for mercy every time she downloads a new eBook. Thankfully, it hasn’t happened yet, and she can often be found absorbed in a good book.


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