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review 2017-11-03 00:00
1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Twelve
1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Twelve - Alexan... 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Twelve - Alexandra Ivy,Laura Wright,Lorelei James,Lara Adrian,Nazarea Andrews,Megan Erickson Book Reviewed: 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Twelve
Authors: by Alexandra Ivy, Laura Wright , Lorelei James, Lara Adrian, Nazarea Andrews, Megan Erickson
Publication Date: 10/31/2017
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars

I am sure each story is wonderful in this set however I am leaving review for the following at this time.

KAYDEN: A Bayou Heat Novella by Alexandra Ivy
Kayden is a hunter and is now on the hunt for those who killed his parents. He now knows who is responsible and decides paybacks are in order, so he takes the mans daughter Bianca.
Bianca doesn't believe anything Kayden has to say yet she feels a pull towards Kayden. What will this Puma do when he feels the pull?
Excellent story.

SIMON: Bayou Heat Novella by Laura Wright
Simon is the unruly Pantera who left Wildlands and went into the city to live his life. Tryst is the hunter who is determined to bring him back.
Tryst, however, is the one to get caught or is she?
Is this what they both want? Very hot!

STRUNG UP: A Blacktop Cowboys Novella by Lorelei James
New to me author.. WOW this short read is packed with total hotness.
Cres loses the love of his life and he basically has retreated. However his brothers think it's time
he gets back out and enjoys life. One night he runs to someone from his past and let's just say....
Are things going to be better the second time around for Breck and Cres?
Yes this is a M/M story but oh my gosh it's good.

MIDNIGHT UNTAMED: A Midnight Breed Novella by Lara Adrian
True to form for this series we get a ton of action and a whole lot of hot.
The past comes to the present and Savage still wants Bella just as much as she wants him
she is going to be his mate he is determined. Loved it.

[b:1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Twelve|36482465|1001 Dark Nights Bundle Twelve|Alexandra Ivy|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1509047016s/36482465.jpg|58193014]
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review 2016-12-06 10:09
Eine Welt modernen Zaubers
Cinder - Marissa Meyer

Ein metallener Fuß, eine metallene Hand, Chips und Drähte unter ihrer Haut – Cinder ist ein Cyborg. Glaubt man der Gesellschaft, ist sie wertlos, weil sie kein richtiger Mensch mehr ist. Ihre Stiefmutter Adri teilt diese Meinung. Jeden Tag lässt sie Cinder spüren, dass die Vormundschaft für sie eine Belastung ist, während sie ihre leiblichen Töchter nach Strich und Faden verwöhnt. Ihr Repertoire neuer Schikanen ist endlos. Dankbar für jede Gelegenheit, Adri zu entkommen, verbringt Cinder den Großteil ihrer Zeit in ihrem kleinen Laden auf dem Markt in Neu-Beijing. Sie nutzt ihr beachtliches Talent als Mechanikerin, um hier etwas Geld zu verdienen. Nie hätte sie angenommen, dass ihr tadelloser Ruf bis in den Palast reichen könnte. Sie fällt fast in Ohnmacht, als eines Tages Kronprinz Kai vor ihr steht und sie bittet, seine beschädigte Androidin zu reparieren. Schon bald könnte aus dem Prinzen der neue Kaiser des Eastern Commonwealth werden, denn sein Vater, Kaiser Rikan, liegt im Sterben, infiziert von der Seuche, die bereits Tausende seiner Untertanen dahinraffte. Cinder nimmt den royalen Auftrag an, unwissend, dass sie damit eine Lawine interstellaren Ausmaßes lostritt. Denn in Cinders verschütteter Vergangenheit liegen Geheimnisse, von denen sie nichts ahnt. Geheimnisse, die nicht nur ihr Leben, sondern auch die Beziehungen zu Luna, dem Königreich des Mondes und somit die Zukunft der gesamten Erde bedrohen. Cinder mag kein richtiger Mensch mehr sein. Aber wertlos ist sie nicht.


„Cinder“ ist erfreulicherweise keine schnöde Nacherzählung. Es ist eine gelungene, originelle und überzeugende Variation von „Aschenputtel“, die viele frische Ideen beinhaltet. Zwar bedient sich Marissa Meyer der Grundstruktur des alten Märchens und involviert ein paar Szenen, die definitiv Wiedererkennungswert aufweisen, doch der Reihenauftakt der „Lunar Chronicles“ ist unumstritten eine eigenständige Geschichte. Während „Aschenputtel“ lediglich ein (traumhaftes) Einzelschicksal schildert, weitet Meyer diesen engen Rahmen aus, ohne ihre liebenswerte Protagonistin Cinder aus den Augen zu verlieren. Sie entfaltet ein ganzes Universum um Cinder herum und konstruiert eine Welt, die mich wirklich faszinierte. Das Buch spielt im Jahr 126 der dritten Ära, die mit dem Ende des Vierten Weltkriegs begann. Der dargestellte technische Fortschritt ist glaubhaft; schon heute arbeiten Wissenschaftler fieberhaft an der Entwicklung künstlicher Intelligenz und die medizinischen Erfolge im Bereich der Prothetik lassen darauf hoffen, dass eines Tages niemand mehr mit dem Verlust eines Körperteils leben muss. Androide und Cyborgs sind in der Zukunft dementsprechend durchaus vorstellbar. Ebenso denkbar sind ein Dritter und Vierter Weltkrieg, die die Menschheit zwingen, das globale Zusammenleben sowie die globale politische Struktur neu zu ordnen. Die Konsequenzen dieses verheerenden Krieges zeichnet Marissa Meyer meiner Ansicht nach recht optimistisch. Die Weltbevölkerung lernte aus ihren Fehlern und lebt in Frieden – ein netter Gedanke, den ich zu schätzen wusste, aber leider einfach nicht glauben kann. Vielleicht bin ich zu zynisch. Dennoch beeindruckte mich Meyer, indem sie deutlich herausarbeitete, dass die Erde trotz des allgemeinen Friedens kein utopisches Paradies ist. Cinders Leben ist hart, weil sie als Cyborg ständigen Anfeindungen ausgesetzt ist. Ihre Heimat Neu-Beijing ist rettungslos überfüllt, die Menschen stapeln sich regelrecht übereinander, Armut gedeiht wie ein Krebsgeschwür. Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft sind durch die Seuche, die auch Kaiser Rikan befiel, geschwächt. Die Bedrohung, die von Luna und dessen Königin Levana ausgeht, ist allgegenwärtig, weil die Friedensverhandlungen seit Jahren feststecken und das aggressive Königreich des Mondes die Instabilität der Erde jeder Zeit ausnutzen könnte. Es herrschen längst nicht Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen und genau dieser Aspekt gefiel mir außerordentlich gut. Meyer zeichnet das umfassend realistische Bild einer Welt, die noch immer von Angst und Unsicherheit geprägt ist. Cinders Rolle innerhalb dieser schwierigen globalen Situation empfand ich als überraschend bescheiden. Obwohl sie eindeutig mehr als nur die Mechanikerin von nebenan ist und sich im Verlauf der Handlung herausstellt, dass sie große Verantwortung trägt, rettet sie die Erde nicht innerhalb eines Wimpernschlags im Alleingang. Ich habe nicht damit gerechnet, dass ihre Geschichte mit diesem ersten Band nicht beendet und die Reihe insgesamt grob fortlaufend sein würde. Ich dachte, die Bände seien in sich abgeschlossen und nur minimal miteinander verknüpft. Da lag ich wohl falsch. Meyer verfolgt den Konflikt zwischen Erde und Luna in den Folgebänden weiter und soweit ich weiß, werde ich auch Cinder wiedertreffen. Es sollte auf der Hand liegen, dass ich mir diese Gelegenheit nicht entgehen lassen werde.


„Cinder“ war ein von Erfolg gekrönter vorsichtiger Vorstoß in die Kategorie der zeitgenössischen Märchenadaptionen. Es freut mich, dass mich das Buch mitreißen und unterhalten konnte, da ich vor der Lektüre doch recht misstrauisch war. Märchen bedeuten mir sehr viel, weil sie meine Kindheit prägten. Ich assoziiere viele wunderschöne Erinnerungen mit ihnen, die ich keinesfalls beschmutzt sehen möchte. Ich bin Marissa Meyer dankbar, dass sie mit der traditionellen Vorlage von „Aschenputtel“ respektvoll umging und etwas vollkommen Neues daraus konzipierte. Die Mischung kreativer, unverbrauchter Ideen und durchdacht eingesetztem, wohlbekanntem Szenenaufbau erreichte mich mühelos und entwickelte eine eigene Dynamik. Vor meinem inneren Auge entrollte sich eine Welt modernen Zaubers und einnehmender Charaktere, in der ich mich sofort kuschlig wohlfühlte. Ich schiele bereits neugierig auf die Fortsetzung „Scarlet“. Wenn Aschenputtel nun ein cooler Cyborg ist, was macht Marissa Meyer dann wohl erst aus „Rotkäppchen“?

Source: wortmagieblog.wordpress.com/2016/12/06/marissa-meyer-cinder
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review 2016-09-09 08:50
Ms. Marvel (2015)
Ms. Marvel (2015-) #1 - G. Willow Wilson,Cliff Chiang,Takeshi Miyazawa,Adrian Alphona
Ms. Marvel (2015-) #2 - G. Willow Wilson,Cliff Chiang,Takeshi Miyazawa

I love, Love, LOVE Kamala Khan, I just can't get enough.  The 16 year old inhuman tries her best to deal with the strain of celebrity, a pang of jealousy toward her best friend's new girlfriend, while keeping her grades up and doing her best to keep in line with her Pakistani roots.  

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text 2014-08-06 16:06
Super Villains Need Love Too!
Blade of Moonlight - Kimberly Dean
How to Date a Henchman - Mari Fee
Burn Baby Burn: A Supervillain Novel - James Maxey
The Son of Sun and Sand (Consortium of Chaos Book 2) - Elizabeth Gannon
Aphrodite's Flame (Protectors (Superhero Series)) - Julie Kenner
Holding Out for a Hero (Entangled Ever After) - 'Christine Bell', 'Ella Dane', 'Nico Rosso', 'Adrien-Luc Sanders', 'Tamara Morgan'
Even Villains Go To The Movies - Liana Brooks
Super Trouble (a Superlovin' novella) - Vivi Andrews
Black and White - Caitlin Kittredge,Jackie Kessler
The Rise of Renegade X (Renegade X, Book 1) - Chelsea M. Campbell

Thor or Loki? Well honestly, it depends on the day.  But there is something about that Loki. 


Superpowered Villains are BAM! POW! fun.  Reformed baddies or actively trying to take over the world, they make excellent love interests. 


Here are some Super Villains to fall in love with...



1. Blade of Moonligh by Kimberly Dean


It’s a dark and stormy night, and Luna Masters is in trouble. Buttoned-up court reporter by day, by night she fights crime as Luminescence, drawing power from the moon. No moon, no power…and she’s about to pay with her life.


As her consciousness dims, a man steps from the shadows. But he’s no savior. It’s Scythe, a villain whose reputation for evil is legend. When she awakens, at first she’s surprised to be alive. Then enraged to find herself tied to his bed. Naked.


Scythe is livid. A minor superhero like Luna has no business on his turf, and he plans to enjoy administering punishment, Yet somewhere in the night, pain turns into pleasure…then into something wicked and sexy that shakes them both to the core.


Though Scythe warns her away, Luna’s passion for justice draws her back into the dark, to her masked lover’s side. For good, or evil? Only the dawn will tell…



2. How to Date a Henchman by Mari Fee 


Gina Hall is a college dropout with big dreams. Working as the receptionist at EnClo Corp isn't one of them, but she needs the paycheck, and she amuses herself by speculating what the mysterious company actually does. She's even more intrigued when the owner arrives, bringing with him a very attractive man named Burke.


Burke's job is more deadly than dead-end: as head henchman for Gina's boss, aka supervillain Static, he makes sure his boss doesn't end up in jail—or worse. But Static's latest scheme is way more legitimate than either of them are used to. This time they have a real office—with a smart, sexy receptionist.


Unfortunately, Gina isn't the only one curious about EnClo Corp's business. When a superhero starts sniffing around, he proves to be less than heroic, and the lines between good and evil blur. Only Gina and Burke can foil his investigation...provided they can keep their hands off each other long enough to save the day.


3. Burn Baby Burn: A Supervillain Novel by James Maxey


it Geek and Sundancer are supervillains in an age when superheroes have been outlawed. After years in hiding, the two team up for a series of spectacular bank robberies that threatens to disrupt the world economy. When a new government sanctioned team of heroes known as the Covenant appears to halt their crime wave, Sundancer and Pit Geek are forced to take desperate measures to retain their freedom. When they finally run out of places to hide, can the world survive when Sundancer unleashes the full force of her solar powers?


4. The Son of Sun and Sand by Elizabeth Gannon 


Tyrant: Kasos Octavio Victavios IV, Head of the Consortium’s Inter-dimensional Affairs Department, has spent thousands of years trying to conquer the entirety of existence, one dimension at a time. Now, something is distracting him from his mission, though, and he’s started behaving in very strange ways. Obviously, his restlessness isn’t his fault. Tyrant’s flawless. Just ask him. No, his ungrateful, way-too-smart hostage must be doing something to cloud his mind with these strange new thoughts about how beautiful she looks. Will he be able to overcome her frustratingly attractive interference and succeed in finally killing all of his co-workers? 

Rayn: The Princess of the Fairy Folk of the Meadow has been Kasos’ “captive” for eight-centuries and she’s pretty happy with their arrangement. An inter-dimensional kidnapping trip with her extremely hot captor certainly beats her old life. Aside from Tyrant’s bad attitude and lousy taste in music, she’s been having a blast. But, circumstances are now forcing Rayn to enlist his assistance in saving her kingdom, even though Tyrant plans to conquer it for himself. How do you convince a man who’s so egotistical that he prays to HIMSELF, that he needs to think about someone else for a change? And to stop killing all the people, trees and family members you want him to save?
Mordichai grew up under the shadow of the baddest bad guy out there—Hieronymous Black—and he’s used his power to conjure fire to help Daddy Dearest in numerous nefarious plots. But he’s reformed now—and just in time to meet the woman of his dreams.

Isole Frost knows all about Mordi’s past, and she believes him when he says he’s truly reformed. Trouble is, she also believes that Hieronymous truly wants to give up his dark ways and join the good guys, and nothing Mordi says can sway her. He may be the dark-haired, green-eyed man of her dreams, but she’s sure that he’s wrong. And when they’re forced to work together, they’re either going to prove that fire won’t mesh with ice—or that the inevitable result is a whole lotta steam! 
6. Holding Out for a Hero by Adrien-Luc Sanders
Sociopath. Killer. Deviant. Monster, devoid of morals, incapable of human emotion. The villain known as Spark has been called that and more, and as a super-powered aberrant has masterminded count¬less crimes to build his father's inhuman empire. 
Yet to professor Sean Archer, this fearsome creature is only Tobias Rutherford--antisocial graduate researcher, quiet underachiever, and a fascinating puzzle Sean is determined to solve. 
One kiss leads to an entanglement that challenges everything Tobias knows about himself, aberrants, and his own capacity to love. But when his father orders him to assassinate a senator, one misstep unravels a knot of political intrigue that places the fate of hu¬mans and aberrants alike in Tobias's hands. As danger mounts and bodies pile deeper, will Tobias succumb to his dark nature and sacrifice Sean--or will he defy his father and rise from the ashes to become a hero in a world of villains?
7. Even Villains Go To The Movies  by Liana Brooks
When your mother is America's Superhero Sweetheart and your daddy's the Number One Super Villain, you grow up feeling a little conflicted. 

Angela Smith has superpowers—nothing that will ever make her comic-book famous—but her ability to psychically sense and manipulate the emotions of people around her has drawn unwanted government attention. Forced to choose between her quiet life as a teacher under constant surveillance or the life of a rogue, she chooses the latter. She plans to hide out in sunny Los Angeles where being a blue-eyed blonde won't make anyone bat a false eyelash. 

Silver screen star by day, superhero by night, Arktos is a triple-threat. He can fly, freeze anything, and see glimpses of the future, all of which he needs to keep the city of Los Angeles safe, but which does nothing for his social life. When a frightening vision of an explosion leads him to rescue a damsel in distress, he finds himself trading Shakespearean insults with a rogue. 

Angela knows just how dangerous well-intentioned superheroes can be: one tried to kill her family when she was young. Arktos knows he should hand the rogue over to Company justice; it's not safe for someone like her to be in the middle of a fight. 

But they can't seem to stay apart. And together, they just might be able to melt all the obstacles standing between true love for a hero and a villain.
To keep her out of trouble, he'll have to hold on tight. 

Kim Carruthers is done being the damsel in distress, waiting for some superhero to save her. Now that she finally has super powers of her own, the bad guys had better watch out. It's payback time. Provided she can get past the sexy super determined to stop her quest for vengeance. 

Unfortunately, the hero on her tail is none other than Frost Nightwing, the man even supers fear and the ex-lover whose icy touch always set her on fire. Tall, dark and deadly Frost is the one love she could never forget and the last person she wants to face… especially now that he's playing for keeps. 
They were best friends at an elite academy for superheroes in training, but now Callie Bradford, code name Iridium, and Joannie Greene, code name Jet, are mortal enemies. Jet is a by-the-book hero, using her Shadow power to protect the citizens of New Chicago. Iridium, with her mastery of light, runs the city’s underworld. For the past five years the two have played an elaborate, and frustrating, game of cat and mouse.

But now playtime’s over. Separately Jet and Iridium uncover clues that point to a looming evil, one that is entwined within the Academy. As Jet works with Bruce Hunter—a normal man with an extraordinary ability to make her weak in the knees—she becomes convinced that Iridium is involved in a scheme that will level the power structure of America itself. And Iridium, teaming with the mysterious vigilante called Taser, uncovers an insidious plot that’s been a decade in the making…a plot in which Jet is key.
10. The Rise of Renegade X  by Chelsea M. Campbell 
Sixteen-year-old Damien Locke has a plan: major in messing with people at the local supervillain university and become a professional evil genius, just like his supervillain mom. But when he discovers the shameful secret she's been hiding all these years, that the one-night stand that spawned him was actually with a superhero, everything gets messed up. His father's too moral for his own good, so when he finds out Damien exists, he actually wants him to come live with him and his goody-goody superhero family. Damien gets shipped off to stay with them in their suburban hellhole, and he has only six weeks to prove he's not a hero in any way, or else he's stuck living with them for the rest of his life, or until he turns eighteen, whichever comes first. 

To get out of this mess, Damien has to survive his dad's "flying lessons" that involve throwing him off the tallest building in the city--despite his nearly debilitating fear of heights--thwarting the eccentric teen scientist who insists she's his sidekick, and keeping his supervillain girlfriend from finding out the truth. But when Damien uncovers a dastardly plot to turn all the superheroes into mindless zombie slaves, a plan hatched by his own mom, he discovers he cares about his new family more than he thought. Now he has to choose: go back to his life of villainy and let his family become zombies, or stand up to his mom and become a real hero.
Did I miss your favorite Romantic Supervillain? Let me know!
Vote for the best of the best on my Goodreads list: Super Villains Need Love Too. 
Check out my Pinterest Board for hottie Villains: Villains into Heroes.
If would like more of a Superhero: Caped: Superheroes in Romance
If you like your Heroines Super: Get Your Super On: Heroine Style
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text 2014-08-05 16:04
Caped: Superheroes in Romance
Karma Girl - Jennifer Estep
Black Hellebore (Heroes of Falledge #1) - Nicole Zoltack
Yesterday's Heroes - Elizabeth Gannon
Aphrodite's Passion (Superhero Central #2) - Julie Kenner
Holding Out for a Hero (Entangled Ever After) - 'Christine Bell', 'Ella Dane', 'Nico Rosso', 'Adrien-Luc Sanders', 'Tamara Morgan'
Seductive Powers - Rebecca Royce
Nobody Gets the Girl - James Maxey,James C. Shooter
Elemental Man - Summer Devon
Flash of Death - Cindy Dees
Steele - Sherri L. King

 San Diego has made its annual recovery from Comicon. It is a great time to live in this city where you might shop at Target with a bevy of Stormtroopers needing WD-40, meet Stampylong Nose (Epic You Tuber) at the Donut Bar, or sit next to Ninja Turtle Creator Kevin Eastman and his badass tats on the Trolly. Good Times.


Because I am an aging geek (oh the crowds), cheap (damn tickets are pricey and hard to find), and uber nerdy (I like the academic stuff upstairs the best and with a little one, it is hard to nerdfest out on panels like The Portrayal of Women of Color in Fighting Style Video Games--my own paper by the way), I don't tend to get down to the Con much anymore but I am still thrilled at the diveristy of nerd culture entering the mainstream.


Comics are still at the heart of Comicon and Superheroes rule. The Cosplayers make the Con. 


Superheroes are going big at the movies.


Here is a list of films rumored to be in development! Nick FuryMan of Steel 2, Teen Titans , Silver Surfer, Justice League, Wonder Woman, DeadpoolSandman,Captain Canuck Super MaxThe Metal Men, Shazam, The FlashThe Fantastic Four (reboot), The Toxic AvengerSub-MarinerIron FistBizarro SupermanDoctor StrangeAquamanBlack PantherLuke Cage, and  Deathlok.



Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  Life is good. 


Romanceland is doing our part as well. Here are some Superheroes worth your time.



1. Karma Girl by Jennifer Estep  


Investigative reporter Carmen Cole gets the surprise of her life on her wedding day when she discovers that her fiancé and best friend are sleeping together—and that the two of them are her town's resident superhero and ubervillain. Shocked and hurt, Carmen reveals their secret identities and then decides to devote her life to unmasking every superhero and ubervillain who crosses her path. 

A series of successful unmaskings lands Carmen a job at The Exposé, one of the biggest newspapers in Bigtime, New York, a city that's full of superheroes and ubervillains. Carmen is in her element—until she gets kidnapped by the Terrible Triad, Bigtime’s most dangerous ubervillain team. 

The Triad orders Carmen to uncover the secret identity of Striker, the leader of the Fearless Five, Bigtime's most popular superhero team—or else they’ll drop her in a vat of radioactive goo. With that threat hanging over her, Carmen sets out to unmask Striker, but what she doesn’t count on is falling for the sexy superhero. But with the Terrible Triad lurking around, this is one story that just might be the death of her....



2. Black Hellebore by Nicole Zoltack 


Once a year for the past decade, Nicholas Adams returns to Falledge and leaves a black hellebore on his girlfriend's grave. While fleeing Falledge, he spies a shady man sneaking into the laboratory. Nicholas chases after him and dies for his trouble. A witch brings him back to life, only Nicholas is not the same man. Turns out, magic combined with a black hellebore in his pocket changed him into a kind of a super man. 

Julianna Paige, his girlfriend's twin and deputy of Falledge, struggles to solve several murders. Nicholas, and his alter ego the Black Hellebore, helps her, even as she helps him move on and start to truly live again. 

Unfortunately, Nicholas wasn't the only one changed in the laboratory explosion, and now a super villain is bent on destroying Falledge, and killing the Black Hellebore. But falling in love might prove more dangerous than any super villain.


3. Yesterday's Heroes  by Elizabeth Gannon


The life of a super-hero is not all it’s cracked up to be. Just ask Wyatt Ferral, one of the city’s cape-wearing favorite sons. For one thing, he can’t stand the other heroes, and is starting to see that they aren’t especially heroic. Plus, he’s forced to wear stupid looking spandex costumes, and his unauthorized biographies are filled with glaring inaccuracies. Heroing is so isolating. Some days, he just wants to walk away from it all and have a real life. All it would take is one personal tragedy to push him over the edge…

Meanwhile at the Consortium of Chaos…

The life of a super-villain is a blast, just ask the super-villainess known as “Harlot.” Just because you’re dedicated to evil doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun, right? So, when the almost forgotten hero Wyatt Ferral walks into the Consortium’s headquarters one day and says that he has a plan, she’s intrigued. Can Wyatt help their troubled organization finally succeed in one of their world domination schemes? Can she keep her fellow villains from killing the handsome hero long enough to hear what he has to say? Will he see the subtle but important distinction between collecting his memorabilia and stalking him? Was his Hero swimsuit calendar photoshopped, or do his abs actually really look like that? So many important questions…


4. Aphrodite's Passion by Julie Kenner  


Mortal Tracy Tannin has always felt like the most ordinary girl in the world, especially since she’s lived her whole life in the shadow of her Hollywood superstar grandmother. But when she finds an antique belt in her grandmother’s attic, everything changes. Suddenly everyone wants Tracy—or maybe they just want the belt. 

Superhero Hale is more than happy to do his job protecting mortals. But get emotionally close to one? Absolutely no way. Which is why he’s thrown a bit off his game when he suddenly finds himself craving the mortal woman he’s been assigned to protect. But that must just be the effect of the magical belt he’s supposed to retrieve, right? 


5.  Holding Out for a Hero by Christine Bell et all 


Scarlett Fever by Christine Bell and Ella Dane
After five years in training, it's finally time for Scarlett Fever and her fellow superheroes to leave the United Superhero Academy and test their powers out in the real world. There's only one problem. She's been assigned to partner with arrogant, by the book, and irritatingly hot, Blade of Justice.
Blade's whole life has gone according to plan, and he's more than ready to move on to the big time, protecting a metropolis of his own. But his perfectly ordered life is derailed when he's teamed up with the fiery maverick, Scarlett Fever.
Ironheart by Nico Rosso
Vince might be hard as steel, but he's not invincible. Not when iron touches him, especially in the hands of an evil minion. Not when Kara ran away after a whirlwind affair, just when he thought he might be falling in love. And definitely not when she returns, looking for his help.
The archvillain TechHead is coming for Kara and her superhero teammates, and he's determined to use their combined power to create the ultimate weapon. But Kara can't fight him alone. She needs Vince's brutal skill, though being with him means she risks losing her beloved secret identity, leaving her nowhere else to hide. 

When TechHead makes a play to capture Kara, Vince has more to lose than just his heart. But he will do anything for the woman he loves, even if it means putting his heart on the line again.

Playing With Fire by Tamara Morgan
Fiona Nelson has always been one hot ticket--even before she took the conversion serum that gave her superhu¬man abilities. Fiona's powers come at a price: lack of human contact, or she won't be the only thing burning. When she loses control of her emotions, her fire powers run rampant... and she's hurt enough people already. Including herself. 

But when the man behind her conversion returns to blackmail her into helping him gain power, the only person she can turn to is Ian Jones, the man who broke her teenage heart. The man determined to expose the criminal known as Fireball, whose explosive escapades are just a little too close to Fiona's M.O. 

Ian is convinced Fiona's dangerous, convinced she's Fire¬ball, and convinced he'll damn himself if he doesn't resist a heat that's always drawn him to Fiona like a moth to a flame--but Ian has his own secrets. 

And he'll learn far too soon what happens when you play with fire.

From the Ashes by Adrien-Luc Sanders
Sociopath. Killer. Deviant. Monster, devoid of morals, incapable of human emotion. The villain known as Spark has been called that and more, and as a super-powered aberrant has masterminded count¬less crimes to build his father's inhuman empire. 

Yet to professor Sean Archer, this fearsome creature is only Tobias Rutherford--antisocial graduate research¬er, quiet underachiever, and a fascinating puzzle Sean is determined to solve. 

One kiss leads to an entanglement that challenges ev¬erything Tobias knows about himself, aberrants, and his own capacity to love. But when his father orders him to assassinate a senator, one misstep unravels a knot of political intrigue that places the fate of hu¬mans and aberrants alike in Tobias's hands. As danger mounts and bodies pile deeper, will Tobias succumb to his dark nature and sacrifice Sean--or will he defy his father and rise from the ashes to become a hero in a world of villains?

6. Seductive Powers by Rebecca Royce 


Wendy Warner is a bit of an oddball. Raised in an orphanage, she’s found solace and friendship by watching the television show, Space Adventures, and participating in its fan clubs. Twice a month, Wendy comes to work dressed in a costume from the show that she wears to charity events. She’s been able to ignore the looks of distain from many of her coworkers, but when the president of the company gazes at her with something more, she knows she’s in deep. 

Draco Powers rather likes the way the uniform hugs all her curves in the just the right places. He’s also a real-life Guardian who told the world that, yes, some people had superhuman abilities, but, no, they wouldn’t work for free or without health insurance. Some people refer to him with derision as the "Capitalist Guardian." While Draco doesn’t care what he’s called, he’s also being hunted by a group called the Organization, whose motives are unclear and yet still cause death and destruction wherever they go. 

The Organization has decided that Draco's biggest weakness is the way he cares about his employees and has chosen Wendy as their next target. To save her, Draco will have to come to terms with his real feelings and the reason he’s long resisted complicated relationships…but he's running out of time. 


7. Nobody Gets the Girl: A Superhero Novel by James Maxey 


Richard Rogers was an ordinary man until he met the super-genius Dr. Nicolas Knowbokov. Now trapped in a world that has no memory of him, Richard is an invisible, intangible ghost to everyone but Dr. Know and the scientist’s two sexy superheroine daughters, Rail Blade and the Thrill. Assigned the codename Nobody, Richard becomes the world’s ultimate spy, invisibly battling the super-powered terrorist army run by the mysterious mastermind Rex Monday. The fate of the free world is at stake as the superhuman battles escalate, wiping entire cities from the map, threatening the survival of all mankind. Who can save us from the looming apocalypse? Nobody! 


8. Elemental Man by Summer Devon


Caleb is an ordinary guy...except for his bizarre ability to adapt to any situation. Really. Anything goes. Fire and water are no problem for him.

Someone is shoving innocents into dangerous situations and Caleb is forced to act again and again. It's up to him to stop the person who's trying to draw him out. He already suspected his attractive neighbor is his stalker and then she demonstrates the rare ability of seeing him as he adapts. 

After Caleb confronts her, he has another problem on his hands. He's told the innocent civilian Melinda far too much about himself and she apparently has some extraordinary skills herself. Her rare skills might make Melinda a target of the stalker who's after Caleb. 

And, thanks to his mistake about her identity, the nuisance of an agency that controls his life knows she exists. Caleb decides he has to protect and hide her from his friends and foes. Maybe she won't notice he's pretending they've got a future together.


9.  Flash of Death by Cindy Dees


Trent Hollings has been secretly engineered to be the fastest man on earth. But when undercover forensics accountant Chloe Jordan walks into his life, with all her sexy reserve, time stands still for him. Not even the threat of retaliation from a powerful drug cartel can stop Trent from using his superhuman skills to keep her safe.

Chloe takes one look at Trent and sees everything she's ever craved and avoided when it comes to men: adventure…and lies. Still, she knows that it's only a matter of time before she surrenders to this smoking-hot man. But when the enemy finds them, Chloe is confronted with a truth that could destroy her love for Trent forever….


10. Steele by Sherri L. King Steele


After a year-long coma, Marla has returned home from the hospital. But something about her has changed. Something unbelievable.Brian Steele, a vigilante and ex-underground boxer, has come into Marla's life to protect her and help her understand her strange new abilities. But before long, he also has plans to seduce her down to her very soul.How will Marla, still weak and confused, cope with such a virile man as Steele? She doesn't know, but she's ready to learn. As soon as possible.



Did I miss your favorite? Let me know! 


To vote for the best of the best, go to the Goodreads list: Caped: Superheroes in Romance. 


If you want to see some amazing Cosplayers as well as super hot Superheroes check out my Pinterest Board: Superlove! 



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